Voss, Avenclay L.
28 Years
Female (she/they)
Asexual Biromantic

R-001 [Earth]

C-CWE-093 [Ruinen]
C-X-080 [Verdant]


Intelligence Operations


Sniper Rifle: An old, sturdy gun previously owned by her aunt. Clay prefers this over any other weapon.
Field Radio: A compact, blocky device ready to deploy for widespread field communications.
Dirt Bike: It's seen more sand than actual dirt. Well cared for despite being on its last legs.

  • Marker + Notepad

  • Lighter

  • Tape

  • Multi-tool

  • Foil Blanket

30 HP


Swift [Neutral] - +3 when running, chasing or evading
Made with Love [Neutral] - +1 to all rolls if the user consumes food prepared for them. Takes up 1 round each and can be stacked up to 5 times. Can also be given to others. [Stacks +5]
Baby Hotline! [Int Ops] +3 to rolls when establishing communication lines.
Locked On [Int Ops] - Enemies cannot evade close range or long range attacks for two turns.
Infiltrator [Scout] - +2 to rolls while being in enemy territory.
No Pain, No Gain [Scout] - Scouts are able to reduce their own HP points to boost an action roll to a total of 5 HP (regardless of other trait negators) per use. Can be used until reaching ‘Critical Health’ status (i.e. 5 HP or under).


Natural Climber: Scaling walls and beams is easy, as is jumping from one to another. Perhaps it's easier to call her a parkour enthusiast, but Clay is unnervingly good at getting to higher ground.
Zoom-In: It can be annoying sometimes, but Clay knows the ins and outs of her headpiece, including how to aim well with it, and zoom in on details. Like targets, who she now can immobilize.
Multivehicle: Practice makes perfect, and Clay has had a lot of practice driving everything from single-rider dirtbikes to cargo trucks. Does she like driving the trucks? No, not really.
Quick Dial: Years of answering the radio have Clay habitually quick to handle anything involving it. There's no fumbling around when she's got someone waiting on the end of the line.


6’2; 188cm
152lbs; 68kg

Art by Roomba


A sturdy, nimble woman. Tends to put tangled brown hair in a half-ponytail/bun. Various freckles and shrapnel + burn scarring around arms and back. Generally dresses in several layers with knee/elbow pads and gloves. She has a curious eye and often hunches her shoulders around others.


  • Prosthetic hand (R)

  • Prosthetic arm (L)

  • Cybernetic eye (R, functional) + head implant (R, functional)

  • Aged burn scars along arms, hip (L), thigh (L), and back

  • Various shrapnel scarring

  • Frequent migraines


  • Exhibits generalized and social anxiety disorder

  • Shows signs of CPTSD and overall fear towards perceived abandonment

  • Possible insomnia.

  • ADHD/Autistic



  • Greenery/flowers

  • Lullabies

  • Dark spaces

  • Thunderstorms

  • Bike racing

  • Spicy food

  • Stickers

“Listen, ‘s okay to say you’re scared, yeah? We all are at some point.”


  • Scratchy textures

  • Strong scents

  • Being left out of the loop

  • Fire

  • Large groups

  • Sand dunes

  • Coffee

A gentle face in the crowd marked with determination, Avenclay orbits people like a rogue comet caught by their gravity, fascinated but shy. She’s calm, and tries to be funny, and is always willing to offer a helping hand.

Avenclay is a friendly individual, eager to bring new people into her fold. She’s clever, a keen eye that likes to observe others with great curiosity - what do they do? What are their lives like? The focus is rarely on herself, and she’s just fine with that. They don’t need her anxieties. Life isn’t about her wants, her hopes or fears, it’s about surviving. And Avenclay is awfully good at that.Being on the move for most of her years, she’s unused to many recurring faces. She does her best to leave everyone she meets with an at-least-okay impression of her. Avenclay wants to help and be considered good at her work, perhaps even an asset. Being useful, being wanted, is worth everything to her. It’s something she does, a bit unhealthily, hinge herself upon.She’s sought a duty of care to those around her. Being there for others - it means a lot to her. Clay wants her friends happy and healthy. Still, she can be…awkward. Avenclay’s comfort zone isn’t a big battlefield or a busy mess hall. She doesn’t know how to handle the sudden expansion of her social circle. Crooked smiles and nervous gazes are common around crowds. In her confusion, she is easy to trip up and embarrass. But Clay can roll with the punches. She can laugh it off and make her halfhearted, teasing challenges in return. Her anger is reserved for the rare occasion or two (or the field), as cold and blank as that anger is (it tastes more like grief, doesn’t it?).All of this is to say that, while Avenclay might not be the sharpest, or the bravest, she works hard and wouldn’t hesitate to put herself on the line for her allies. She learned a long time ago that kindness given does not beget kindness returned. And she doesn’t need it to be returned to make it worthwhile.


  • Speaks ASL, English, various short-sign, and a tiny bit of German.

  • Voice is always a bit faint.

  • Her love of stickers came from her kid. She loves the motivational and star-shaped ones.

  • Can cook pretty well! Has too many snacks on hand.

"I've got your back! We'll get through this."

  • Her hands have little blue "bean" pads for finger grippies. She likes to see what they stick to.

  • Usually sleeps curled up in a ball with her arms tangled in a sheet.

  • She has a cat. His name is Vandal. He has a little harness that says "pest control" on it.


I don’t remember a lot about my life. It was fast, and brutal, but beautiful in the moment. I burned for it, and for the people in it. I’m the one telling the story, but it was never really about me. I was expendable. I might still be. At the least, Salus is more home than the long road was. That’s got to count for something.So here’s what I do remember


Avenclay originated from a group that escorted supply trips between different settlements. She was raised to manage communications within the convoy and later fell into sharpshooting. Severely injured during an attack on a supply route in her 20s, Clay went to Vulcan to recover with her kid (Elowen) and the survivors of the attack, suffering the loss of most of her family. She healed up with new prosthetics and a sharper look on life, and later left Vulcan. Not long after, she met up with a few traders who were on their way to Salus. Two years have passed since, and Avenclay has spent that time at Salus determined to work for her place in their ranks.

Preferred Name: Mystic
Pronouns: she/they
Discord ID: Mysticat#1693
Media ID: mystikatzen @ dA
Fun facts: Hi! I really like cats and nature documentaries. I'm studying to be a biologist because I want to know why plant cells do their thing.

RP Style Preferences: Para/semi-para (lit/semi-lit) + hc; script okTriggers: Child death, open fractures (do not google)
General Upsets: Please warn me ahead of time if possible if something involving deep water and/or drowning is approaching. I have thalassophobia but it is manageable in writing format.


Scenario Two: ReassignmentSalus was big (and the sky was blue, of course Salus was big-) and Avenclay, decidedly, had made a vow to avoid the mechanics workshop on pain of death. Which she was breaking. Getting poked and prodded around her tech wasn’t fun, per se, but she figured this would be quick. In, find Benji, get out.“You okay?” She winced as Benji slid out from under the machine, taking a half-step forward and pausing to listen. When he got past the words watch tower, she hummed a note of agreement. Running around hadn’t been all that fun. She didn’t mind much, though. Benji always had his reasons and- yeah. There they were. Clay gave him a crooked smile at that, leaning slightly to the side to look at the sheet of paper. Another mission, huh.“Well,” she started, eyes glancing between him and the paper, “Sure, I guess. ‘s not a problem.” Vehicles - she knew vehicles. She could do this, right? She wasn’t even a mechanic though. Avenclay made a tiny hnhnn sound of pain as she went to actually read the task lis-Oh.Testing. She could do testing.With…Darien. Following his shriek of dismay, Clay couldn’t help but echo her own with a soft “well, shit,” and. And Benji was back to work. Okay. She sucked in a deep breath, metal nails poking holes in the paper, and made her way through the room. Shakily. “Dariennnn, bud, hey- so. Please don’t throw that wrench at me, first. I will uh.” She paused, head tilting sharply to the side as she thought. “I will not do Stupid Things. That works, yes? Just- just. Tell me what to test and not break. And then I can…go. Yeah?”